Friday, June 22, 2007

little prayers

i might not know how to pray but i hope God can hear this...

i pray for my dad to be well soon and have many more healthy years to come
i pray the same for my mum
i pray that dad will listen to us and not work anymore come end of the year - dad, you are not as strong as you were 20 years ago
i pray that our family will be always happy and in harmony
i pray for my dear friends - may all go smoothly and even if they don't, be strong, we will always have each other to rely on
i pray that i, myself, can be strong in difficult times
i pray for Andy who is going to conquer Penang Bridge this weekend- ROAR....
i pray for our Foxpro netball matches tomorrow - may we get pass to the finals
i pray for all whom i loved and still love dearly - i pray for you, happiness and luck
and lastly, i pray for lucy, my dear dear lucy....may you be with us for many more years to come....

*i just felt a bit emotional now....haven't felt like this for quite some time...allow me to cry tonight and may this be the last time for a long long time*

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