Sunday, August 29, 2004


A friend asked in her blog "How do u know when u are in love?"- Interesting topic to be discussed..... How do we really know when we are in love? Is it love when you are so anxious to see that person yet you are nervous to meet him? Is it the adrenalin rush when you finally see him/ her? Sometimes we fell in love with the wrong person at the wrong time or place but is there really any rights or wrong to be in love? When you finally found that special times you feel that you might have made the wrong decision but you still love him/ her a lot....So, IMHO, love can't be defined....There is no right or wrong in it....You can't control your feelings and you definitely can't control other people's feeling towards you. You need to experience it and it might not be perfect but that just adds more spices in it. ;-P

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