Monday, February 06, 2012


Staring at this empty page, I'm cracking my head on what to write here. Sometimes, no matter how hard I try, nothing comes up. Wanted to post some food pictures, but I feel bored with another food post. Wanted to post about a trip last year but I feel lazy. Sigh....Another one more day of holiday tomorrow and it's back to shit-ey work...I wish everyday is a holiday and I just work when I feel like it. Which is ...never. But reality bites. No work=no money=no travel and no good food and no entertainment. Sigh....sigh ...sigh...
Well, anyhooo.....Happy Chap Goh Meh!!!
May my friends who are looking for some lurrrvvveee, find their dreams coming true this year. Open eyes big big...LoL...

1 comment:

Admired UCHY said...

Buka eyes too big until cannot see眼大看过山。

Wish all your dream come true too.