Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I’M TAGGED, THEREFORE…I just do it...


Repeat subject header “I’M TAGGED, THEREFORE…”
Copy + paste these rules in your entry.
Complete these 15 totally USELESS statements & questions.
Mention who you were tagged by, followed by 8 people who you’ll be tagging.

WARNING!Failing to do so and you’ll be cursed eternally with a 3-holed nose (aikss??) and a low-cost flat (no way!!)

I got tagged thanks to Crap Rants.

1. If I was an opposite gender, what would my party clothes be like? my birthday suit...
2. At 10am this morning, I was… …stoning at my workstation - staring blankly at the laptop screen...
3. At 10pm tonight, I will be… …at Maldives with my dream guy (aka Lee Hom) - in my dreams...
4. Who should be the next Malaysian Prime Minister? Michael Scofield...
5. If my spouse told me to do without sex for a year, I would… …*hehe* he wouldn't tell me that, trust me...
6. If I was a piece of a car, I would be the… …State of the art car audio system (no particular reason)
7. If I was told one day that I would have to give up either 1) anything chocolate OR 2) ever seeing the beach again, for the rest of my life, which one will I give up? do i really have to choose??
8. Singapore is good for… …nice cars...
9. If I could only say 3 words before I die, what would those last words be? Why sooooooo fast???
10. WHO would I like to be left on a deserted island with? Michael Scofield or Lee Hom or David Copperfield??
11. Die by drowning or by fire? which is less painful and faster?
12. What one single thing would you buy with your last RM9.95? Brownies/ Choc cake...yummyy...
13. If I opened a night club, what would I call it? WTF
14. Don’t cheat: what’s “bulbous”? something big, fat and cute...
15. I think my ass is…nice (i don't care what you think/say), I still think it's nice...Heheh...

I’m tagging:

No one as well...since most of my bloggie friends have been tagged....Good karma for me too, Andy...:)


Anonymous said...

lee hom is gay..

Guoshyang said...


Unknown said...

hi anonymous and chan,
prove it to me...else, do not simply judge people...
and no matter what, he still is a talented and handsome lad...:)