Sunday, May 06, 2007

Dettol, anyone?

Have you ever done something so stupid that you still can't believe that you did it? Something that you will still laugh your ass off when you think of it. Well, I did, on one peaceful night...

What actually happened was - I thought the small bottle of Dettol is the small bottle of sample Listerine and know what happened....(I still can't believe I was so blur blur)

The taste was horrible....People, if you plan to commit suicide, please don't choose this method. My tongue was numb at that time and I do not know how much water has been used to rinse. The only thought in my mind is - what if I can't taste anything anymore? I still have so many good food I have not eaten.

Funny, isn't it?

Kids, do not try it at home.....

1 comment:

fendi said...

hi i accidentally used dettol as my mouthwash too. and feeling numb at the moment. how long does it last, and how to cure it. help pls so confused