Thursday, August 02, 2012

Yogyakarta Day 4 and 5

Day 4 brought us to Solo, an hour (plus) drive from Yogya. Solo is less touristy compared to Yogya. Solo is home to Mangkunegaran Palace and Kasunanan Kingdom, two of the former Royal family.
Kasunanan is a palace that has the architecture of traditional Javanese and European influence. It is now a musuem. We were brought around by this funny and witty guy who keeps making hysterical comments.
We then proceeded to a local antique market. I like all things antique and find this place full of stuff that is hard to come by now.
Next, we went to Mangkunegaran, a beautiful and well maintained palace. Some of the royal family still lives here and they even have two cute to the max puppies. I think the little fellas kind of took the limelight of the visit to the palace. 
Included in the itinerary for the day is a visit to Sukuh, the so called 'erotic' temple. It is full of 'interesting' ornaments. Our guide call it pornographic temple. @@ 

There are many mysteries surrounding this temple. Google it for more information.
Day 4 is not a too tiring day for us. We ended the night with drinks from the hotel lounge, where we were the only patrons there. Enjoying the view from where we're relaxing and sipping cocktails.
And day 5, we bid farewell to out guide and to Yogya! Till we meet again (not in the near future though....)

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