Tuesday, March 13, 2012

hangat hangat tahi ayam

Dear readers,

Sorry for the hiatus. I've been a little busy, or rather, a little lazy to post anything. I guess that publishing a post a day is too much of a chore. I'll still try but I know sooner or later, I'll be too occupied with work and with personal stuff. Or I'll just be too plain lazy. Well, that's me. I started something with much gung ho, only to slack as time goes on. In Malay's idiom, hangat hangat tahi ayam.
I ran my first run for 2012 last Sunday. Only a 10km run. But this time, I really feel it's taking a toll on me. Running strong at first, I begin to lose focus after the 5km mark. Stopping occasionally to catch my breath, I clocked one of the worse time for all the 10km runs I've participated. I blame it on lack of training but deep down, I know my metabolism is slowing down (aka getting old). LoL...
I've thought of running a full marathon but it's quite a challenging task to do now. Should have done it couple of years ago.
Lately, I've succumbed to peer pressure as I'm a member of the running club in my office. With everyone running a 21km or full marathon, I feel left out. But I'm no athletic person and I know my limit.
And running last Sunday's run, I know that I don't have the fitness level nor the mentality to do a full marathon.
But who knows, maybe one day....one day.....(in the far future)....
And I need morale support!!
Anyway, enough of blaberring. Till my next post (hopefully tomorrow), take care and enjoy your day!



cy said...

我支持你!!! (google to find out la) ...

Su said...


zafi said...

I always hangat2 tahi hayam!! :P