Friday, April 22, 2011

Waiting is a long process

I hate waiting and I hate going to the hospital. I bet every patient here will ask the same question, 'Why me?'. When I was admitted last time for the cyst on my wrist, it was a minor surgery. And yet, I hate the feeling of waking up after the anesthetic. Made me dizzy and nausea.
I can't imagine how my brother in law feels like now. He just had another operation as he has fluid in his lungs. That's the cause of his irregular heartbeat and breathing difficulties yesterday night. He's still in the ICU as of now. I am sure he has the same question - of all people, why him? No one can provide the answer.

I've already accepted the fact that life is unfair. But like the famous saying goes, when life gives you lemon, make lemonade out of it. I'm sure he will recover and live another ha;f decade more, at least.
We can't imagine the pain that he's gone through. The best we can do is just to be positive. I hope he will too. A positive mentality really helps.

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