Saturday, December 12, 2009

Morning thoughts...

I love morning jogs.

It's nice to be able to spend some time alone and just run, breathing in the fresh morning air, cool atmosphere and the feel of a lazy morning. Reminds me of New Zealand.

When I run, ideas seem to be streaming in on what to write on this blog. Maybe I should just bring a notepad along when I jog. Ha ha...

Almost every morning (except Sunday), I will be able to catch a bunch of elderly, doing morning taichi at the playground. I'm not a big fan of tai chi (or any s l o w m o t i o n excercises eg. yoga), but what caught my attention are the weapons used (ps:I have a thing for swords). There are some pretty slick and cool moves involved. And so, secretly, I tried to remember those moves and practises them at home. Needless to say, it's a futile atempt.

Now, I admit I'm a choreograph-challenged person. I am NOT able to follow most moves if you throw me in an aerobic session.

Hmmm....I wonder if the master (an uncle in his seventies) will accept me as a student. On second thoughts, maybe not as I think I will add to his blood pressure. -_-"


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