Sunday, December 09, 2007

Dream wedding?

The last month of the year...

is full of weddings...

This month alone, I have attended or will be attending - a Malay wedding, an Indian wedding and a Chinese wedding. Cultural, isn't it?
People asked me before, what's my idea of a perfect wedding? I have never really put my thought in that before. Honestly, I do not know what I want but I know what I do not want...:P thing that pop in my mind now (if you were to ask me the same question) is to have a wedding by the beach...It doesn't have to be big and it doesn't have to be grand...Just close family and friends for a ceremony by the white-sandy beach, with decorations all in white and flowery, with the sea breeze in my hair. (dreamingggg....)
I know this seems almost impossible but hey, it's a dream wedding...:P Who knows my dream will come true one day.
I will want to be involved in every nitty gritty detail of my wedding, from the decorations, to the guest list to the wedding dress to the type of food to the type of songs to be played to the details on the wedding card.
I have this little obsession of organizing events and I tend to get a little too deep into it once I get started. And so, yeah, I want that perfect wedding that I organized myself...:)
And I once had that crazy idea of having my own one-stop wedding planner business. :X

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