Saturday, July 16, 2005

Let the heart decide...

We need to let our heart decide and not let the mind control it everytime.....
Whether it's right or worng, we have to take the risks.....
Like a friend said- 'We have to be a rebel sometimes, to set our spirit free'
Do not be bounded and you will see where your heart will take you
Life is too short to be controlled by all the rules....


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

When it comes to relationships, what she said about letting our hearts decide is and not let the mind control is true. Without that a relationship will never take off in the first place, right? But sometimes "taking the risk whether it is right or wrong" when you are already in one relationship as she puts it is still wrong no matter what the reason is as long as the other in question is very faithful, in the eyes of many. Bounded? To use such such a word when describing a relationship is just ugly. Life partners is where its at. Rules? Guidelines is more like it.