Was it worth the wait? Braving the drizzle now and then,the traffic jam, those UNCIVILIZED people and the hungriness (as we all have not had dinner)? Was it worth those feel hours of tiredness?
Answer is : ABSOLUTELY 100% WORTH IT...
He came on stage at 9 pm, an hour late due to traffic congestion. The crowd screamed and keep calling his name. A few games session and some small talk about his album, he sang his newest hit- By Your Side. Had clear view of him as we were quite near the stage.

Then, autograph signing session. And I got to SHAKE his hands when he signed on my album. Gosh, he was so sweet and polite (he even said thanks). Really a good guy and a good dad to his 2 daughters. I was listening to his interview on radio earlier and he really loves his family.

Really sad also as cannot make it to his concert on 14th Sept as I will be away on that day....Sigh....Arethere any chances that it will be earlier or it will be postponed? Keep our fingers crossed.
Well, there are some bad experiences during those few hours. Some people actually do not know the meaning of NOT PUSHING and QUEUEING UP. Young or old alike.....Someone fainted and one aunty just tried to slip her way to the front while the crowd was distracted. Hmmm.....but really happy as it was an experience.
1 comment:
why why why? why 914? why? why? why?
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