Monday, September 19, 2005


I was so pissed when it's almost time to leave the office. Pissed off at something that I shouldn't at all. What a waste of energy. And I actually endangered myself....Driving 140 kmp on the Cyberjaya roads is not so wise....Especially with my small Kenari...Today was a moody day....Everything seems so wrong and it's sad, really....Just feel like screaming it out, feels like punching someone or something, feels like crying it out and expressing my frustration to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why is it so hard to control our feelings?????? Why??????

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My dear depressed are spot on in noticing that it was not a very wise idea to vent out your frustrations by driving as fast as you did!!!

You silly could have meant a moment of madness but a life time of regret and pain! Chill girl. We all have our days....each one of us. That is how we all are designed to be but you have to learn to channel all that frustrations and anger elsewhere.

Keep a soft sponge type baseball bat close to you so that whenever you feel like...eerrrggghhh....just reach out for it and whack yourself silly. The pain and silliness of the act might just jolt you back to your rational side.

But I ask what has provoked this outburst from a docile person as you?