Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Saving mode

I think I need to:
1) cut down on my runs and hunts...having said that, I just confirmed myself for Shape Night Run...
and look at those happy faces during one of our hunts...

2) cut down on luxury food...RM20 for a cup of yummylicious yogurt with toppings???
but it's damn satisfying...

3) cut down on buying bags and clothes and shoes...my hands are getting itchy...
but then again, I don't consider myself a shopaholic...nope i'm definitely not...

4) cut down on buying snacks...not only it makes me poorer, it makes me fatter too...
but it makes me feel better after a long day at work...

Sigh.....how to save up like this??


KA said...

wow still signing up for running after saying of quitting for the last 1year plus :P

cy said...

cut down doesn't mean don't go at all marr ...

food and snacks, whenever u wan to eat, call us ... then, can share out the cost ... buy smaller portion but more people share... not fat and save money ... LOL

bags, clothes, shoes - remember my theory? buy only when it's torn / cannot be used :P

Su said...

i agree cy =)